Episode 40: A New Leader Airing Date 2000-04-28 In the last action-packed episode, Heero Yuy surprised us all by announcing his plans to kill his unrequited love, Relena Peacecraft. Heero's twisted logic was that by killing Relena, he'd put an end to the "fake peace" breaking out on Earth. He also hoped to expose the hated Romefeller Foundation as the antagonistic, war-mongering group that they really are. The truth is, Heero's plan isn't half bad. The Romefeller Foundation is a bunch of narcissistic old men bent on getting their way even if it means wiping out the space colonists who are mostly innocent pawns. Where Heero's plan is flawed, however, is that he's underestimating two things: 1) Relena's intent to bring peace to both Earth and the five colonies and 2) how easily those old men can be swayed by a pretty young girl wearing a tiara. The title of this episode, "A New Leader," speaks of two different groups and two very different leaders. Queen Relena is the first leader. She's nearly assassinated during a speech to the entire Foundation. Heero does his best John Wilkes Booth, aiming from high atop a balcony seat, as Relena addresses the Romefeller fellas. Just as he's about to pull the trigger, however, Relena issues a declaration -- she calls for the withdrawal of all OZ weapons on Earth. If there is to be a lasting peace, she claims, it must start with Romefeller itself. The Foundation members are surprisingly swayed and give the girl a standing O. Heero realizes that Relena might be up to the task of taming OZ so he leaves the scene… but not before Relena spots him aiming at her noggin. When these two meet again, it should be a flammable reunion. Duke Dermail, who saw the writing on the wall, flees to outer space with a large OZ armada. Unfortunately for the old man, he runs into an even bigger contingent of White Fang Mobile Dolls. The Duke's ship is hit and Dermail's last resting place is somewhere between Earth and the sun. His granddaughter Dorothy is heartbroken... until she remembers that she's the one who sent him to his death. Wonder if she's listed in the guy's will? Hmm. A sister and brother divided by war yet united by awful taste in clothes. Just as Romefeller begins to turn all softy and gooey, though, White Fang declares war on Earth. Then they introduce their new leader, Milliardo Peacecraft, AKA Zechs Merquise. Poor Relena. On the day of her biggest success, her own brother spoils the party. That's sibling rivalry for you. Where are the rest of the Gundam Boys, you ask? Chang Wufei, who's trigger happy, attacks White Fang and winds up floating powerless in space. Duo, Trowa and Quatre run into Howard, an old friend of Duo's. Howard offers to act as supply mechanic for Gundam Sandrock but it's clear Howie's got reasons for his generosity. Like everyone else in the "Gundam Wings" universe, his politics are as important as his blood. Which means that we're all in for an interesting ride. Stay tuned -- the After Colony 195 Campaign Trail continues… --Ross Brooks, who's voting for Relena cause she's a hot babe.